• Concierge-level means expanded access to your doctor. This includes longer, unrushed office visits, ease of scheduling appointments using our online system and over the phone, and connecting directly with your doctor when you want to for questions, lab review and anything else that may come up. You will get longer hours to talk with your doctor, quick turnaround for medication refills and the ability to handle many things with a phone call or via telehealth rather than an office visit (whenever appropriate) for more convenience.

  • We do not collect co-pays. Your visits are included in the price of your membership.

  • No, we do not bill insurance for your visit. However, we will collect your insurance information to use for any labs or imaging that may need to be ordered.

  • Yes, your monthly membership can be paid with your HSA debit card.

  • We do not require long term contracts. We want CLIMB to work for you and will partner with you to provide the membership experience you want. We recommend that members commit for a minimum of 3 months at initial enrollment to get the full experience.

  • Currently, the session sizes are small with no more than 6 people.

  • Currently, there are 3-4 people in a session. The sessions will never exceed 8 members to maintain a safe and comfortable environment.

  • If you decide CLIMB Health isn’t right for you or need to take a break, please provide written notice at least 30 days prior to cancellation.